Does stereotyping in some cases, make it easier on the student to be categorized, or to help them fit into cliques in their social circle? That's the biggest question here.
Yes, stereotyping is a terrible thing. It has been around for a long time and evolved and changed. It is better to treat everyone equal and respect them even if you don't know them. Obviously today there are more than just racial stereotypes. All labels are false; stereotyping someone based on one's race, how one dresses, treats others, and certain beliefs, could have an extremely negative impact on a person. What one person perceives as promiscuous behavior, color of skin, laziness, ignorance, intelligence, athleticism, and attractiveness, could be perceived entirely different by another person. The best thing any person can do is treat everyone with respect and appreciate their individuality. I believe we all portray ourselves the way we want others to see us, and racism in the past was predominately handed down generationally. Today there is such a push for cultural diversity that racist comments are made towards people. I think that there will be no way to erase stereotypes, but we as the future generation should not embrace them. I believe that high school years are defined as the most impressionable years of ones' life, and stereotypes can often be very hurtful. So break the tradition and don't allow stereotyping to define you.
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