Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New PlayStation 3 Model Announced

As many of you know (I hope) Sony has a great video game console named the PlayStation 3. It's incredibly popular and has a lot of great games, functions, uses etc.
Great games like the Uncharted series, spanning over three games and never disappointing. Please check them out, they are amazing. But that isn't what we're talking about. If you read the title then you know I need to mention a new model that Sony introduced to their gem of gaming history's family.

It actually started as a rumor about a week ago on Gamespot.
Leaked photos were shown, saying that it was seen in a game shop in Peru. Afterwards, Sony said they did have a new model for the PS3. This is the second slim model released, the first one was put out in 2009.

The newest model is the same as every other PS3 in terms of playing games, but Sony has cut even more weight and size out of their system. It is going to be 20% smaller and 25% lighter than the current slim model.  Two bundles are coming with it. One will have Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Game of the Year edition and the other will have Assassin's Creed 3 coming out in October.

To be honest, I like the look of the new model. It look ultra sleek and very textural, but not changing it enough to stand out from their previous ones. It really reminds me of how the PS2 Slim looked like. I can see that Sony removed the automatic disc taker on the other models for a regular disc tray.
The lowest price for one (which will be the 250GB model) will be 270$ and will be on the market September 25th. Have fun gaming.
Hope you enjoyed the post, have a great day. 

All Images found by doing a simple Google search. Most information provided by Gamespot. All rights and PlayStation related symbols owned by Sony. Please don't sue me, Sony.


  1. I like it. I mean i'd get if it wasn't so expensize.

  2. im gunna get my aunt to buy it. i know she will! :)
