Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Why do we pray? The reasons I used to pray was because I wanted something. Praying is when you get to talk with God and build a relationship with him. I would go days without talking to him but when I had a game coming up I would pray for us to win and when we came short I would wonder why. The big question is why can’t we as humans go to prayer every day and thank him for all that he has done for us. I mean hey we always talk about how good we are at sports, school and just any type of work but we lack the greatness of praying to our One and Only God that has given us the opportunity to be here on Earth and for all of our talents. When you pray thank him for all he has done and ask him to help you along the way with getting closer to him and just ask for him to help everyone. Don’t lose faith in God, the Bible shows that he can do amazing stuff like the blind seeing and the dead walking. Ecclesiastes 5:2 Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. When you pray, rather let your heart be with words than your words be without heart.
When you pray bring your problem to God and keep the problem God centered not problem centered. Supplication where you are honest and tell God that you need his help. Focus on God and not just the problems remember our prayers need to be God centered. Thank him because you know you can go to him at anytime, he loves you and that he is concerned about you.
 Samuel 12:23
When you pray you need to remember Three Things.
●    Faith- We need to have complete faith in God.
●    Obedience - We need to obey God completely.
●    Patience- We must wait patiently on God.
Now back to where I said that I would always pray because I wanted something. I can say now that I have a relationship with God I pray for my loved ones, for me to get closer to him, and I thank him for sending his son to die on the cross for our sins. I can also say I even thank him for the days that are bad because even when life is tough I know that he has a greater plan and I shouldn’t worry because he will provide. Matthew 19:26 Jesus says With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

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