Friday, May 13, 2016

4 Ideas for Blogs

Sometimes thinking of ideas to blog about can be hard because even the best writers have writers block. Here's a list to start you off with something and maybe turn it into something of your own.

#1 Make a contest. Making a contest will draw in a ton of people.

#2 Make a guide or tutorial. Plenty of people get on the Internet every single day to look up how to do something and making a guide would help out thousands of people.

#3 Post a small story. If you don't have a background in writing and want to start off but also want some positive feedback post a blog. You'll gather up some feedback to improve your writing.

#4 Post a list of popular songs, movies, or TV show's. A lot of people are also looking for new things to listen or watch and having a list that they could choose from could be very useful.

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