Thursday, April 30, 2015

Extra! Extra! Newspaper Writers Needed!

With the end of this school year rapidly approaching and the last edition of The Valley Tribune being printed, the newspaper class is in desperate need of staff writers for the 2015-2016 school year. For scheduling purposes, Mrs. Dingess' newspaper class will be 8th period. Over the past few years, our newspaper program has gone through drastic changes in the name of improvement. I, being the editor-in-chief next year, believe that The Valley Tribune has the potential to be the best student newspaper in the area!

Now you may ask, "Why would I want to take newspaper class?" There are endless reasons, but just to name a few: you will have a vehicle for your beliefs and views, you can learn about the news industry and discover possible career fields, you can heighten your understanding of current events, and become a better writer! Current co-editor-in-chief Cody Straley believes, "Students are woefully uninformed in regards to current events, and that is why they should take newspaper class." The other co-editor-in-chief Shelby Bellomy said, "One of my favorite parts of the class was when we took a field trip to the United High School Media competition at Marshall!" By competing in the UHSM competition, students even have the chance to compete in a Media Challenge quiz bowl, which we won this year (pictured below)!

In conclusion, we desperately need writers for the 2015-2016 school year. If interested, you can speak to Mrs. Dingess, me (Eddie Stamper), or your counselor!

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