Tuesday, December 2, 2014

PlayStation 4 Features

The PlayStation 4 (PS4) is a home video game console from Sony Computer Entertainment, which was launched on November 15th, 2013. The PS4 competes with the Xbox One and Nintendo Wii U as the top system. With the PlayStation 4 you can do many things that the PlayStation 3 couldn't do. Their controllers are different and it also have many new features such as a built in camera, ability to  connect companion devices, voice controls, and a new internet browser.

The PlayStation4 is doing very well on the market right now. So far there have been 13.5 million PS4 units sold worldwide, which is very good compared to Microsoft's Xbox One sales of about 10 million. At GameStop, reviews of the PlayStation 4 give it an average user rate of 8.3, contrasted with the Xbox One's user rate of only 7.6.

The PlayStation4 also has many new hardware features. The PS4 controller, which is the DualShock4, is similar to the PS3 controller, but the DualShock3 will not work with the PS4. The PS4 also has a camera which is an optional motion sensing accessory that includes two 1280x800px lenses.  Now PlayStation4 has the ability to interact with other devices. Smartphones, tablets, and PlayStation Vitas can be a second screen for the PS4. PlayStation Vita allows you to be streaming video directly from the console to the handheld device. Also, Sony unveiled a project called Project Morpheus on March 19, 2014; a virtual device that features a head-mounted display with a 1080p resolution and a 90 degree field of view for the PlayStation4.




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