Friday, October 17, 2014

"The Walking Dead" Season Premiere

     The new "Walking Dead" season premiered this past Sunday, October 13, 2014. People said the first episode of this season was better than all of last season's episodes combined. In my opinion, I agree. I've watched every episode of this show since season one to now, season 5, and this season already seems to be one of the best. For those of you who don't watch it, I strongly encourage you to because it truly is an amazing show from the actors to the script.

     A quick summary of the show for those who aren't engaged in watching it, it's a post-apocalyptic era in America. Groups of people who have been safe from the disease that has turned almost everyone from humans to zombies fight for their lives in the show. One of the main characters, Rick Grimes, played by Andrew Lincoln, is the Sheriff of the town the show starts out in. He awakens from a coma to find what has happened. That's when the show takes off and all the action happens.

   The first episode of this season was action packed with zombies, reuniting's, and plot twists. Some zombies were killed by the explosion Carol created, and others by the usual ways they die in the show. Many people were reunited like Rick and his son, Carol and Daryl, and others. The plot twist at the end must have surprised many of the people that tuned in to watch as it did me. Morgan is back! Most people thought he died in season one, but he has returned.

the-walking-dead-season-5-comic-con-banner-1163x405     All of the action in this season opener has definitely made an impact on fans. No one can seem to wait for what next week's episode has in store. Tune in Sunday on AMC to see what will happen.

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