Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Time change

On November 3, the time will fall back an hour. That means we get an extra hour of sleep until the next time change, which will make us lose an hour. At 2:00 AM the time will then go back to 1:00 AM. Some people think it is weird how this happens and often wonder why. I'm just glad we gain an hour this time.

Why does this happen though? When Daylight Savings Time is here we lose an hour. But this occurs so we have more daylight during the summer time and less darkness. Daylight Savings Time started in 1916 by a guy named George Hudson.

What we are about to experience very soon is known as the ending of the DST. We gain an hour to have more time during the day for work since it's getting colder out and we would rather stay in anyway. Every year these happen differently because DST starts on the second Sunday of March and ends the first Sunday of November. Over seventy countries worldwide now do Daylight Savings Time.  The only states in the U.S. that don't observe DST are Hawaii and parts of Arizona.

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