Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bullying: It's Still An Issue

I know everyone is tired of hearing the same thing every year, again and again; however something needs to be done because bullying is still a problem. This has escalated from a face-to-face action to being on cyberspace.
There are different ways to bully someone; many believe it's just physical contact such as hitting, but it has to start somewhere, right? Well, it can all start when a certain person dresses a certain way or says something that others normally wouldn't agree with; then someone who hears that tells their friends and they tell others until the rumor is spread throughout your school or work place. This happens everyday, everywhere.

What is Bullying
1. physical abuse 
2. verbal abuse (teasing, name calling, etc.)
3. yelling or screaming offensive language
4. excluding people from a group
5. hurtful comments
6. rude gestures or actions
7. intimidation (making someone scared of coming to school)
8. making things up to get someone in trouble

These things and more are all included in the following categories in some sort of way:
- Cyber Bullying (bullying from the internet or phone)
- Homophobic Bullying (bullying because of liking the same gender)
- Racist Bullying (bullying because of color of skin or culture)
- Sexist Bullying (bullying because of gender)

Whether we know it or not bullying has serious consequences, both for the bully and the victim. For the victim, if they get put down long enough, they can resort to suicide. Trust me, I know because here about a year or two ago, there was a kid in middle school who got bullied for so long, he concluded that suicide was the only way. For the bullies, there can be suspension and even legal actions. These legal actions include juvie, harassment charges, restraining orders, and even jail time.

What can we do to stop bullying? Well, it can all start with you!!! If you see someone getting picked on at school, then stand up and say stop! If it continues, then go get a teacher or another trusted adult who you know will help solve the conflict. Remember you are never a rat when it comes to bullying. Who knows?  It could be life or death for some innocent child.

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