Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Things to know about sharks.

There are over 360 described or recorded sharks in the world, and they are listed in eight groups:
Orectolobiformes. This order include the whale shark.
Carcharhiniformes. This order include the blue, tiger, grey, bull and the hammerhead sharks among others.
Lamniformes. This order include the great white shark and the mako shark.

   Shark in the Mayan language means fish. Dictionaries also define "shark" as a "human who prays greedily on others". Sharks, as you know, are fish. But for a fun fact, some sharks can give birth to live young, while others lay a protective layering around an egg like matter that sticks to sea weed near the bottom of the ocean.
   Sharks are excellent hunters; their senses have evolved for over 400 million years. The Hammer head shark, whose name is given for it's oddly shaped head, uses magnetic waves or a type of sonar while waving it's head from side to side to find hidden prey beneath the sand.
   But most sharks depend on their sense of smell, sight, and hearing (yes, sharks can hear). Fun Fact: did you know that a shark does not sleep?  If it stops moving, it will die. Sharks are constantly moving, because not only can they drown, but most sharks use an amazing method called buccal pumping. A sharks mouth is surrounded by muscles that constantly pull in water in, and sending it over the gill membranes, then out the gills. Many other sharks use a method called Ram Ventilation. By swimming at an extreme pace, water is forced into the mouth for processing.
   Sharks are really fascinating creatures, and it takes time to understand these majestic beasts. What makes a shark so deadly, and an expert hunter, are it's rows of teeth. Most sharks have three rows of teeth.  Everyday they loose a few, but new teeth grow in their place.
   Many people fear these creatures because of their aggressive behavior, but they don't know why sharks attack.  There are good reasons why. The food chain is getting low, so humans can be a target for an easy meal. Most sharks are also very protective for their nesting ground, and will attack if threatened.
   But don't let these fun facts get to you when you go to beach. Sharks are like any other animal. They are more afraid of you, then you  are them.

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