Friday, October 12, 2012

Dishonored: Why not buy it?

Have you ever wanted a game that was different from the standard flock? Have you wanted one that was so weird and miss-matched that it made sense because it was that certain game? Have you just wanted a great game combining everything you want and making an amazing pass time? Do you like stealth, steam-punk, and a lot of free running, and be in first-person? Say no more because here is the game you want. Dishonored; the name just rings with curiosity.

So what is Dishonored? Dishonored is a stealth action game that takes place in the steam-punk city of Dunwall, a city that looks a lot like Victorian era London, but with a slight twist. When I say the word steam-punk, that means it's a combination of old classical era clothing and speak, with future technology; like cars, electricity, and robots.

The basis of the plot is this. The empress of the world is dead, you, her bodyguard, is blamed for it. You are put into prison sentenced to death. But another prisoner gives you something, something that is going to help you prove your innocence. That thing is a magical mask, one that gives you powers beyond everything in the city. With it, you escape prison and begin your quest for redemption.

What makes this all better is the fact that you have the entire city open to you. You can free roam all you would like and do story missions when you feel like. With the things you can do in the game makes this experience the ultimate time waster. Side missions are plentiful and with the RPG aspect of gaining XP you'll be gaining new abilities and making yourself tougher and more awesome.

So, buy or not buy? To me, it's a definite buy to me. This kind of game is right up my alley. The artwork and graphics look gorgeous. Add that with the story and the overall gameplay makes me dool a little bit. This game looks amazing and I think you should check it out. Hope you enjoyed the article, and keep on gaming.

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