Wednesday, September 12, 2012

G4 Begone?

If you don't know what G4 is, just stop reading right now. Just kidding, if you don't know, have no fear, because I can tell you all about it.

G4 is a television channel that has a sole purpose. Discussing video games in every shape and form. Everything that is shown on their airtime is video game related. Making this an awesome and interesting show.
But G4 hasn't been around forever, before it was Tech TV.
Tech TV not only had video game stuff to be used,
 but they also talked about computers, audio, video, etc. Nerdy electronic stuff was their thing. But soon it had to change. Ratings eventually declined and network executives pulled the plug, ending the channel after it's six year run.

Soon after G4 arose from it's ashes, making a big hit. With it's great cast of gamers, good games to talk about, exclusive interviews with game developers and programmers, G4 was a success.

But all things come to an end. Earlier this week, more than a few of G4's cast left the channel. Along with that, the shows soon became something of a different color. They've started to not be as great as they used to be. It has been said that G4 is soon to be revamped, making a different show line up. Maybe they'll make it similar to Tech TV, return to their roots. Who knows, but that is all I have to say for now. Maybe next week, if more is told, I'll make a follow up and know what is going on with G4. Until then, have a great day, everyone.
G4 is a network that is courteous to those who speak kindly of it. All images found by a simple Google Search. Please don't sue me, G4.