Friday, August 24, 2012

The 5th Quarter

The 5th quarter is done after every home game at Spring Valley High School. The event is where kids after the game can go its hosted by a church and all the kids after the game if they want to can go and participate in this event. Usually they will have some type of snack and then hangout and talk about God and the amazing things he does. Me being a football player I don’t get the chance to go and participate but I sure do know that if i wasn’t playing football I would be there after every game it sure is a great thing. I hope that this will be keeping up through the season and increases in size and learn more about God and the great things he does. I hope to hear everybody is participating and the numbers are increasing every week after every home game.


  1. 5th quarter is super fun! I highly reccomment it to anyone who doesn't have plans for after the games!
