Monday, October 7, 2013

Retro TV: Danny Phantom

Good Afternoon students, this is Dr. Cooper. It's time for a review of another retro show; the only decent show Butch Hartman ever made, and one of the last great cartoons Nickelodeon ever made (next to Avatar). Today is the day of...Danny Phantom.
Danny Phantom ran for three seasons from 2004-2007. It showed the adventures of fourteen year-old Danny Fenton, a half-ghost, half-human, superhero thingy...and his two normal friends Sam and Tucker. His parents are scientists ostracized by the local community due to their obsession with, you guessed it, "ghoooosts!" After his parents try to create a portal to the Ghost Zone (the parallel dimension where all ghosts live), Danny tries to fix it and suffers an accident which gives him ghost powers. He has the power to do normal ghost stuff like fly, turn invisible or intangible, and posses people. As the series progressed he developed more diverse powers such as shooting energy beams from his hands, ice powers, a supersonic roar, and the ability to  make copies of himself (or at least his head).
The show follows Danny as he reluctantly becomes a superhero and protects the town from ghosts, while also trying to keep his identity secret and live a normal life. He ends up with a variety of enemies, both good and bad, including:
  • A ghost who hunts other ghosts
  • A ghost who puts other ghosts in a ghost jail
  • His ex-girlfriend who becomes a ghost hunter
  • His parents, because they want to capture a ghost
  • His Dad's creepy rich best friend, who is also a half-human, half-ghost thingy...
  • His future ghost-self in an alternate timeline
  • And more ghosts!
 The series came to a conclusion in 2007 in a rather odd episode where Danny saves the Earth from a giant Ghost Meteor thingy, and gets a statue of him built in every capital of the world...
Nonetheless, Danny Phantom was hugely popular and still has many fans to this day. It still runs on Nicktoons (Nickelodeon's cartoon-only channel), and Butch Hartman has expressed a desire to revive the series someday. Whether or not that will ever happen remains to be seen...

I'll be honest...I have no idea what I'm blogging about next week. BUT there will be a blog next week. Also the school newspaper is out; buy an issue to read my new editorial! (A history of the hot dog).
"I am serious. And don't call me Shirley"



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