Friday, October 4, 2013

Costume Time 


Where would we be without costumes and creativity? Halloween is just around the corner and its time to get creative! Be original and show your style!
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As this shows, a costume can be a representation of just about anything. Pack Man has always been popular and is a creative costume idea, especially for couples. This costume style is simple and can be made at home from something as easy to get as cardboard and paint.

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Some people prefer not to bother so much with the actual costume but instead, focus on their makeup to create an effective and memorable look. Above is a photograph of a woman who chose to do this. She has used contact lenses along with her makeup to achieve an original, if not shocking appearance.

People often include even their pets in the creative fun of costumes. Here, a child and his dog are dressed as Harry Potter and "Fluffy," who is the three headed dog from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

 Some costumes require more effort than others. These fellows have taken costuming to a new level and have dressed as the little green army men that many of us played with as kids.  
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As you can see, costume ideas can come from anywhere and be inspired by almost anything... This baby looks steamed!

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Remember, costumes are meant to be fun! So get creative and enjoy yourself and have a wonderful Halloween!
Homemade DIY Smurf Couple Halloween Costume
Photo courtesy of

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