Friday, February 6, 2015


Kindness is an important character trait that most teenagers lack. The Wikipedia definition of kindness is:
"A behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition, and concern for others. It is known as a virtue, and recognized as a value in many cultures and religions"  It's comical to me how many people do good things but don't show an ounce of kindness in the way they carry themselves and treat other classmates. I know it's easy to have a bad day and take it out on everyone but we should really consider how that persons day has been and how they feel. It is important to take others into consideration and actually care about their home life, self confidence, and their happiness. I think we are a selfish generation (including me) and all we care about is ourselves, therefore kindness is something that we should practice everyday to everyone. The problem with being a teenager is that we get too caught up with school work, sports, clubs, jobs, etc. to care about the kid in our math class three rows away or the kid who sits alone in the cafeteria. We need to slow down and take inventory of the people around us. I believe that is the first step to kindness.

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