Red Band Society is a new television series that first aired on FOX on September 17, 2014. Red Band Society is a unconventional and unique coming-of-age dramedy about a group of rule-bending friends and the adults who mentor them through the ups and downs of adolescence in Los Angeles' Ocean Park Hospital. Everything from strong friendships, and first loves, to humorous mishaps and heartbreaks, the series is a story of life, with an edgy comedic tone all its own. These teens form a life-changing bond and singular kinship, represented by their red hospital bands. They face shared experiences, both uplifting and challenging, tragic and comedic, ordinary and out-of-the-ordinary, and they do it together. When you're brought to the brink, that's when you laugh the loudest, love the strongest, and cry the hardest. This is the story of the Red Band Society. It airs every Wednesday 9/8c.
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