The movie is a comedy that follows Barnabas Collins, a vampire who was cursed by a witch who was heart broken by his rejection and vowed to destroy him and his entire family. Barnabas is trapped coffin and buried underground by a angry mob some time in the 1700s or so and is released by accident in 1972. He discovers that his descendants are dysfunctional at best and that the family business and wealth are in shambles because of the efforts of the witch. He must try and bring the family back together and restore their family business to its former glory.
The movie was not particularly horrible but it was not great. There was a few chuckles here and there, but it was not that funny unless you have a extremely dry humor. The characters are alright but the only ones I really liked was the were the kids, David and Carolyn, and they had thirty minutes of screen time tops. The basic idea of it was alright but I was just disappointed that it was not as good as I was expecting it to be. I would recommend just waiting until it comes out on DVD/Blu-Ray and getting it through Netflix or Pay Per View.
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