You awaken in a diner, saved by an officer named Cybil Bennett. She's in town to find out why there's no more chatter from the local precinct. You ask her to help you find your daughter, giving a brief description of her; short, black hair, just turned seven last month. Keep note of this, because Harry tends to say that every time he finds someone with a heartbeat. As you go to leave, a radio tenses up and makes a lot of noise. You decipher that it must be broken, but suddenly a flying monster bursts through the window and you must defend yourself. Arming yourself with a pistol provided by Cybil, you take it down and pocket the radio, commenting that you'll need it. This radio is a nifty device. It gives you a warning of nearby monsters and offers a little company in the isolated world.
Thanks to Lisa's help, you know where your next destination is, Lakeside Amusement park. You leave, but not before trying to have Lisa join you. But she says she cannot leave, even when you beg.
Now this is where the game can change as there are multiple endings to Silent Hill. You can go to Annie's Bar in a side mission to unlock the best ending, or you can go without it, settling for either the bad and bad+ ending.
If you do opt for the side-quest, you save Kaufmann and he searches for something even still. You can beat him to a motorcycle and get a vial, Kaufmann then berates you and takes the vial away.
With knowledge of what to do thanks you Dahlia, you trap the young girl. With her bound, Dahlia appears, laughing. She tricked you, tricked you into trapping Alyssa, who, in a weird retrospect, is Cheryl. Suddenly, Alyssa, who's a powerful user of magic, explodes with energy and you are transported to another dimension.
All of this cultivates after learning of Silent Hill's past. But first, a rundown of some serious stuff.
When you met Dahlia, she gave you an item called the Flauros. She told you to use this item at symbols that you keep seeing throughout the town. This symbol is called the Mark of Samual. And using the Flauros prevents it from being completed. Believing Dahlia, you unintentionally finished each make that you found. And what does doing this do?
This allows their God's power to grow, making it stronger with each completion. The God in question is inside Alessa. Dahlia impregnated her own daughter with a demonic God and you've been seeing her everywhere. But Alessa can't go anywhere. She was horribly burned when the ritual happened and has been confined to a bed, barely alive thanks to a spell by Dahlia. Before the ritual was completed, however, Alessa expelled her remaining innocence out of Silent Hill. This innocence was a baby. A baby that Harry and his wife found. That baby was Cheryl... And the only reason you were called to Silent Hill. Was for Alessa's soul to be rejoined, and so she could finally die...
With all of this revealed, you confront Dahlia one last time. Alessa and Cheryl with her; she's ready to bring her God into this world.
Now depending on your actions in the game you can have multiple endings. From what this post has said, we get the Good+ ending. You and Cybil confront Dahlia as she is reveling in her success, that her god is coming and she is the progenitor. Alessa and Cheryl merge, resulting in an angel-like figure. But Kaufmann intervenes, throwing a ketchup bottle at the figure in bandages. Nah, just kidding, it's Aglaophotis. This liquid destroys demons on contact. With it used, the angel thrashes about and forms a new and terrifying creature; The Incubus. This thing looks scary. It has a goat's head, a horrific feminine body and a backwards/demonic halo. With Dahlia killed by her God, it's your job to kill it. With GUNS. Use all of your ammo on this boss battle, do not try to use your steel pipe or it's really going to hurt.
With it defeated, it forms the angel once more and gives you a baby. With this, you, Cybil and Kaufmann make your escape with the world tearing itself apart. But....Kaufmann can't go with you. Namely because Lisa comes back, grabs him, and drags him through the ground. You can do nothing but run and you escape with the baby in your arms.
With the happy ending, you and Cybil decide to raise it together considering what both of you have been through. It's the best ending. So be happy. And that is Silent Hill!
When I was a kid, this game scared the crap out of me and in a way, it still does. This is the the gem of survival horror and it is worthy of the title. The atmosphere and setting are amazing. And sure, not every Silent Hill game is the best or comparable to previous ones. But each game tells their own story. The town makes you face inner demons that you probably didn't even know you had. With each other game in the series, I have to say; I love them all. And sure, I haven't played every game. But it's never too late to try. But I've typed long enough. I hope, hope, hope you enjoyed reading. This is my last post of the school year so I hope I did well. Have a great day and. Keep. On. GAMING!
ALL of these images were found at Check them out for all of your answers of anything Silent Hill.
Anything Silent Hill related is owned by Team Silent. Don't sue me, guys!